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Smoda on 3BN's Success Selling Handmade Items

Smoda on 3BN's Success Selling Handmade Items

The woman who became rich selling headbands on Etsy

It started as an idea to help pay tuition for their children and now Three Bird Nest is one of the brands 'handmade' most invoice platform.

The English called 'handmade' is an initiative that has found the formula for success on the Internet thanks to sites like Etsy. With 1.3 million active sellers on this platform hosts thousands of projects 'handmade' to become real boutiques online. A priori, these businesses seem to survive thanks to a small clientele. But when it comes to the Internet, the sales volume can catapult up to stratospheric limits. This is the case of Alicia Shaffer , an American woman who has become one of the richest selling Etsy thanks to its handmade clothing. Their numbers make it clear: sells over 3,000 products to dateand invoice between 70,000 and 80,000 dollars a month .

A few years ago, this mother of three children ran a physical store I needed several crowns, so he decided to make some to sell. Having no online presence, Shaffer thought Etsy would be great to "sell some and make extra money for dance classes or soccer for my children," she tells S Moda . This is how in 2011 born Three Bird Nest , a brand from his base in California sells an array of handmade products such as crowns, heaters, scarves or socks . The name is short of its origin. It inspired tattoo on his arm, is a representation of a nest with three birds reminds his sons with some experience in business and marketing, but without any training in fashion or design more beyond the dexterity of his mother, Alicia is an example of where can bring their own initiative.She admits being unable to find the crowns he liked to shop, " just decided to make " .Now, considering the colors and textures you like and what is more or less seasonal, choose the materials for their products, emphasizing prints and lace boho hold to the spirit of the brand.

Alicia Shaffer Etsy chosen first by its ease of use and because "provides the feeling of shopping in a boutique" unlike other websites like eBay where experencia purchase is colder. From this platform, highly recommended, and own website, meets the demands of customers around the world How to promote your brand gets through two pillars in an online business.? the customers and social networks . On the one hand, the entrepreneur says he is confident customers to spread the word about the signing: " Our customers are our best advocates "On the other, be present on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allows them to establish synergies that would otherwise be much more difficult, as contacting bloggers and perform. collaborations El. social media universe also helps them with their brand image : "We use our social networks as a way to share what we are doing and as a way for our customers to connect with us on a personal level, to see what we are making as a brand but also what we do in our house, "he explains.

Despite the possibilities offered by Internet entrepreneurs, Shaffer confesses that she is more difficult to start a business e-commerce precisely for having to engage your customers without having a physical space, "With a traditional store you come people comes and goes down the street, when online you will have to ensure that there is a way for customers to find you. " Gone are those first intentions of earning $ 100 a week with a number of orders that kept awake until the wee hours of the night. Now Three Bird Nest is a growing team made ​​up between "15-25 members depending on the season."

The secret of success? Shaffer says that there is not only hard work, dedication and "blood, sweat, and tears". An example of overcoming that leads us to believe that if you want, you can really.

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